Learning Agreements

Please use the following file in preparing your LA’s. You can find more information in “outgoing students” section. You need to set the page to 71% when printing (Prepared only for URP students).

itu-learning-agreement-templates (4.1.3 itu-learning-agreement-templates Excel Dosyası)

Info when filling EU Erasmus form

Consent form for incoming students

You will need to use this form when registering to courses with full capacity.

ITU ECTS grade conversion

İTÜ Grade Conversion table

Incoming Students

Here you can find brief information on lectures, schedules and ECTS, as well as application procedures.

Application info

Important Deadlines

Course Registration Procedure

Course Schedule and ECTS

Important Remarks about Course Selection

Outgoing Students

Bu bölüm sizlere genel olarak erasmus süreci hakkında bilgi vermek, ve uzun zamandır iletilen soruları ortak bir platformda yanıtlayarak hepinize ulaşmasını sağlamaktır. Ancak lütfen en güncel bilgi için Erasmus Office websitesini ziyaret ediniz.

The relevant forms can be found in these websites, please also check Forms“.