Find the Code of the departments that you would like take courses from []

Check the Course Schedule of the department and decide your courses with your Erasmus Department Coordinator [See below, and also:]

Fill in the Course Registration Form, make sure you write the correct “CRN Codes” for the courses [CRN codes can be found in the first column of course schedule lists][]

Print the form and get the signature of your Erasmus Department Coordinator

Bring the signed form to Ilyas Mollaogulları at Registar’s Office to complete your registration.

If you get “itu email account and password” before visiting Ilyas, he will give you your PIN code and explain how you can login to system to check your courses.

If you want to drop a course, visit Ilyas between the given dates.

Consent form shall be needed to register to already full-capacity courses. The form is attached (see below), if you cannot open it, please email the coordinator. You need to make it signed to the professor of the course. Please prepare enough copies with you incase you are asked to fill.
